Fast Forward to 2023 in Cape Breton
We retired Moncton Beats Magazine for a couple of reasons.
One — we were ready to move on to a new area of interest. What we finally felt compelled to work on is art and all things handmade in Cape Breton.
Two — we moved. We now live in Cape Breton, on a small Acadian island called Petit-de-grat in a village of the same name. We look out at Petit-de-grat Harbour. Look for our new work in The Scrape: Cape Breton handmade.
Acadia Day in Petit-de-grat
Below is the original about page
Done is better than perfect
After nearly a year of working out exactly what Moncton Beats was going to be about, we finally hit Publish.
Moncton Beats’ goals are simple:
- Be an active participant in the beats we cover
- Do long term journalism and develop relationships with our subjects
- Provide lots of material for groups working within the beats to use for their cause
We missed the deadline for a couple of stories and there are a few parts missing that we’ll get in there over the next week. Most notably we are missing the links within the articles, but we’ll get those in and the articles will be better resources. We’re also missing a piece from the editors/publishers but research show the vast majority of people don’t read those. So, if you’re reading this, you’re an exception.
The first Beat we started is the Food Movement. The next will be Youth.