There are a lot of people doing a lot of good work in the food movement in the Greater Moncton Area. Who is Janet Hamilton and why do we have a big picture of her for the first issue or our food movement Moncton Beats? Read more…
There are a lot of people doing a lot of good work in the food movement in the Greater Moncton Area. Who is Janet Hamilton and why do we have a big picture of her for the first issue or our food movement Moncton Beats? Read more…
Jun 6 2016
“If they plant it, they’ll be more eager to eat it,” says François LeBlanc of his students. If there is one reason why he helped establish a greenhouse at his school it’s that.
Jun 6 2016
Shannon Gallant is one of those savvy food people you find everywhere in Vancouver, Seattle or San Francisco. She loves to talk about food because she’s always thinking about food.
Jun 6 2016
Even after an hour of interviewing her, we were still not sure of the extent of her involvement in the community – we suspect she wasn’t either – but we had covered the big ones.
Jun 6 2016
Ben MacMichael runs the Westend food bank. To say he’s outspoken is an understatement, but behind that big mouth is a strong sense of what justice looks like.
Jun 6 2016
Aaron and Shelley have committed to a way of life they believe more people must turn to if we are all to survive on this planet.
Jun 6 2016
“I’m not into that many organizations. We’re all trying to learn as much as we can and we’re all trying to spread the word as much as we can.”
Jun 6 2016
Growing food is just one of three prongs to her dream. The second is educating the community. And the third is sharing knowledge with other communities.
Jun 6 2016
Don’t mention a community project idea around Laura unless you’re serious about it because the next day your inbox will be full of messages about funding possibilities and probably a list of potential recruits and clients.
Jun 6 2016
They speak of the seeds like they are precious gems and of the great patience that is required in observing and choosing the best plants year after year.
Jun 6 2016
Frederic Laforge was admiring Mathieu Reyjal country store he had made at his farm. “But,” he told Mathieu, “it really sucks that I would have to drive out to Cap Pelé. It’d be awesome if it could be mobile.”
Jun 6 2016
This is Janet Hamilton. She is the dynamo behind the Mapleton Teaching Kitchen. I met her in June 2015 at a Community Food Mentor workshop. This workshop changed me, renewed my faith in the goodness of people, and she was one of the organizers. Teaching…Kitchen. Those two words sum up who Janet is. Although a […]
Jun 6 2016
Elaine Mandrona — Back to the Land Redux
Elaine Mandrona came to New Brunswick from Connecticut via Wisconsin in the early seventies to start a new life away from everything that was wrong with the world.
By Archie Nadon • farming, First Issue, food movement, food security, gardening